Make a Smokeless Fire


( – What Do You Call a Fire Pit That Has Two Connected Chambers and Little to No Smoke?

  • Dakota
  • Smokeless
  • Amazing
  • Lakota

Answer: Dakota. Here’s why…

The value of fire in a survival situation can’t be overstated. However, in some scenarios, having a visible fire can be dangerous.

For example, in a disaster scenario, having an open fire will announce your presence to the world — including those who may want to take what you have. When stealth is necessary, knowing how to build a smokeless fire could be the difference between survival and facing a mob of desperate people.

The Dakota Fire Pit

The Dakota fire pit is an underground, smokeless fire. When made correctly, this fire will be resistant to strong wind, will give off little light, and will be hotter than an above-ground fire.

To make a Dakota fire pit, two holes need to be dug into the ground, roughly a foot apart and connected by a tunnel. The deeper the first hole is, the less likely light will be visible coming from it. Place the fuel for the fire into the first hole. Once started, the air to sustain the fire comes in through the second hole.

Since the fire is underground, it will be insulated by the earth, making the fire burn hotter. Additionally, Dakota fire pits use fuel at a slower rate and produce far less smoke than traditional campfires.

To show how a Dakota fire pit can be made in ground that is too soft for the traditional method, Survival Dispatch has provided the following video:

Rather than digging two separate pits, one long trench is dug. A bridge is then constructed over the middle of the trench using sticks, which are then covered with dirt. Green or wet, sticks work best here, as it will take the fire longer to burn through them.

Often, surviving a dangerous situation relies upon the ability to remain undetected. To see how to hide in plain sight while traveling in an urban environment, check out our article on the gray man concept here.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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