Is Your Home Defendable?


( – Home is where the heart is. It’s where the family lives, where memories are made, and where a person is supposed to be safe. But is the average home really defendable?

The following video from Survival Dispatch explains how to analyze a home’s perimeter defenses:

The first step in determining a home’s defensibility is to examine the property from within the home using every window and doorway. Identify blind spots where an intruder could hide from view.

For example, the area directly below a window is a space where a person could crouch to avoid detection. One way to prevent this is to grow “tactical landscaping” in these areas, such as cactus or rose bushes.

Perform Counter Surveillance

Most home invasions come after a criminal has done surveillance on the property. To make this more difficult, one can perform counter-surveillance. Essentially, this means taking action to prevent someone from gathering information on the home. It’s important to prevent an aggressor from developing a mental map of the home and its contents.

Simply closing the curtains or blinds is one way to keep prying eyes from seeing what is inside the home. Trees, bushes, and fences can also help make it harder for an outsider to sneak a peek at what may be hidden inside.

Do Some Red Teaming

The next best way to assess a home’s defenses is to do some red teaming. This means examining the property from the perspective of an intruder.

Look for areas where it could be easy to hide or to enter the home. While the aforementioned trees, bushes, and fences are great at keeping adversaries from seeing into the home, they also provide them with blind spots to utilize while moving in.

The more data that is collected on the home, the better. Once the weaknesses have been identified, countermeasures can be developed and deployed to nullify them. Check out our article on how to grow your home’s defenses to see some inventive ways to make a home into a castle.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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